The ability to fall, roll, and align yourself with gravity are essential skills for any martial artist, and has applications far beyond combat. Armed with a little falling skill, you can escape serious injury from combative throws and takedowns, and from accidental slips, trips and falls outside the gym or dojo.
By contrast, those without this ability are forever condemned to a fear-based relationship with the ground - one that limits free movement and leaves you more anxious about "falling", "losing your balance" in the wider, psychological sense.
Join Jeff Sodeman - Systema Instructor, Aikido Instructor, and renowned expert of unassisted human flight - for this 4-hour exploration of safe ground engagement, and never fear the floor again.
Usual pricing applies: $75 non-members; $50 to members and visitng Instructors.
Click here to register online, or e-mail for alternative payment options (required to claim instructor discount).